Friday, August 29, 2008

Paul at the Piano

Bev took some pics of me at the piano at a recording studio a few weeks ago while she was in town. Of yeah, and some at her sister-in-laws house on their grand piano (thanks Lynn).

I look like a balding Billy Joel. They're great pictures, thanks Bev. And, there's alot more than just this one... this is just a teaser. I'm gearing up for my big record label deal, huh!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dedicated to the Ones I Love!

This post is for all those who just keep looking each day for a new post from the"King of Posts", that's me. It has been awhile since the move that I have posted anything new. People look to me daily to know whether or not to go outside, or how they should feel about a particular.... uhmmm, thing. Yes, it is true. My peeps need me.

Everything is okay. We've moved in without any glitches except for those ones we're not talking about. The family is doing well, except for the parts we're not telling you about. I am feeling exceptionally well post radiation, except for days that I want to just crawl under a rock and die. My mouth is starting to feel better, but I still can't completely taste anything. I'm completely off the pain medications so I'm not as sleepy and groggy. I'm still trying to stretch my mouth so I can fit a chili cheese dog in, but I think that will be awhile. Right now I can barely fit a spoon in my mouth.

Next Tuesday I start back up with the Hoodoo Blues band again. They really miss me... I think. I am going to try and rally everyone I know to come out to our Sept 27 gig at Pat's BBQ in Salt Lake. This place is really nice... it's a restaurant so anybody, even kids, can come. It is $5 a person to sit in the band room. I will remind everyone later.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

So, What Are You Doing This Weekend?

For anyone who cares we're moving and I know this is how everyone wants to spend their weekend. Just ask yourself who's going to help you when you're moving? That's right, not me if I don't see you here bright and early this Saturday. Remember, I just had chemo and radiation... I'm sick. I need help. I'm in a weakened state. Everything is going dark. Mommy, is that you?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

An Open Window

Here I am 4 days after the completion of my radiation treatments at a Heart 2 Home fundraising event. As you can see, I'm still not my complete self. I have short windows of time randomly throughout the day that I might feel well enough to go out, but not for very long.

It was a great event. Once a month a non-profit group called Strike A Chord organizes a party of sorts and invites up-and-coming musicians to perform for free to help promote themselves. They ask a door charge and have raffles which all the money goes to a particular charity of their choosing. This month was for Heart 2 Home. It was pretty fun... Free food, raffles, good musicians, and all for a good cause.

On our way home from this event we stopped by to see my band, Hoodoo Blues, playing at Scorez. It's just down the street from home. We had a gig there last night that I didn't attend due to my recovering. We walked in right as they were taking a break so it was nice to mingle with my band mates. The window was shutting so I couldn't stay long.

It will be nice when I'm fully recovered and back to normalcy. I will be back with the band in September. If anyone is interested we are playing in Lehi again on Sept 20th. You can go to our website at and see our upcoming shows.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's All Downhill From Here

Today was my last day of treatments... no more, none, zilch, nada. Wow! Isn't hindsight great? Looking back is always better than looking forward when you're in the middle of a crisis. When you're looking ahead it seems it'll never end, but when you look back you think, "hmm, that wasn't that bad."

That leads me to thinking, I don't know how anyone can get through hard times without knowing Christ... without knowing who God is... without knowing that your salvation is secure, that your justified through Christ. The Bible isn't lying when it says "fortunate is the man who's sins do not count against him", and that "ALL sins are covered by the blood of Christ"... ALL sins. Not some, not most, but ALL. Isaiah 43 says "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; YOU ARE MINE."

I am sad for those who go throughout their lives wondering from day to day if they'll make it to heaven... if they're saved... redeemed, rescued from their sins. Day to day they wonder if they've done enough. God says you cannot earn your way to heaven, that your good deeds are like filthy rags. He doesn't want your sacrifices, He wants you... He wants your heart... He wants you to accept the free gift of salvation. The cost of salvation is confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart.

This is what gets me through tough times. Knowing that whatever happens, I'm saved from my sins. My salvation is secure. I am justified through Christ Jesus. Knowing that with all my mistakes, all my blunderings, all my sins, I don't have to work off my debt. I am saved! Jesus is my comforter. Who's yours?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

This IS Important!

This is my beautiful wife with the long blonde hair. She has a rare condition called H.S.I.C.M.H.S.S.. Symptoms appear randomly but are starting to appear more frequently. I've talked to experts on this and they say there's no clear data on how people get it or even a permanent cure. There's not even any prescription medications that have been developed yet.

I don't know what to do. I've talked to doctors, my clergy, and even Jeeves. Nobody's been able to help. Oh yeah, the acronym above stands for, "Honey, should I cut my hair short?" Syndrom. Every so often she gets a hankering to want to cut her hair short for some reason. Does anybody else's wife have this same condition?

Am I the only one out there pleading with her to get help? Is there a support group in the area I could go to? I just really love her hair long. I'm pretty sure I'd still love her if her hair were short, but man do I like her hair long! Can anyone relate?