But Tiffany... she's hot.
This is to all the girls out there that are still hanging on to any notion that I might love them. NO. I don't. My good looks have been preserved for the enjoyment and pleasure of one woman...Tiffany. She alone has the priviledge of gazing upon me for hours, and at the end of the day she knows it's just me and her (minus the film crew).
Thank you sweetheart for eight plus years of a wonderful marriage and five beautiful children (and a dog). Thank you for birthing three of those chidren. Thank you for spending so much time making our family a priority above all things.
Thank you for sticking through all the hard times. Thank you for loving me even when I'm not that lovable. Thank you for helping me find God in my darkest hour. Thank you for cooking all my meals, even when I promised I would clean up from then and haven't.
Thank you for loving me in a way that allows me to be who I am. Thank you for supporting all my hobbies (they're really gifts from God, but for all the pagan's sake we'll just call them hobbies). Thank you for always wanting to fill my needs before your own.
Tiffany, you are my heart's sancuary. You are my happy place. I cannot imagine a world without you right next to me. I love you. Will you be my Valentine?