Thursday, July 31, 2008

Light in the Tunnel

Yes, there is a light in the tunnel. The light says I only have 3 more radiation treatments and I'm done. Praise the Lord. And I do mean, Praise the Lord. God has walked me through this and comforted me all the way. In the beginning I couldn't see the end. It seemed it would go on forever. Now with only 3 treatments left I can look back and see more clearly where God was when I had nothing and leaned on Him for hope.

Even with 3 days left, we can't start partying yet. Because radiation has a delayed effect, like tanning, the doctors tell me that the pain will remain for about 2 weeks after treatments are done... then there will be a gradual tapering off, or healing for a couple more weeks. So, in a way the light in the tunnel is more like James Hetfield's "the light in the tunnel is a freight train coming your way". Don't get me wrong. I'm still excited about only 3 more treatments, but then I have a freight train for about 2 weeks.

But hey, what's 2 more weeks? I can handle it. I can do all things in Christ.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Strawberry Milk?

Yeah, surprised me too. I can actually taste strawberry milk. In an act of desperation, I decided to try chocolate and strawberry milk. I must have been craving a familiar taste from yester-months gone by. Well, whatever made me do it... I'm glad now. I've been chugging Nestle's Strawberry Milk like crazy. Hopefully when I'm sick of strawberry milk I'll have found something else to keep me chugging.

Warning: For first-time readers, this post refers to my lack of taste buds due to present chemo and radiation treatments. If you are confused by any of this, google "Ask Jeeves" then type in "I'm confused". It should explain that you are confused.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Rest of the Story

It's been said that I'm still not telling it like it really is. Perhaps people (my peeps) don't really know what this is like and what I am going through. This is the rest of the story.

As most know, I've had two chemotherapy treatments and around 20 radiation treatments so far. Chemo is the drug they slow-drip into you via I.V. (that's a needle attached to a bag of liquid chemical stuck in my arm). Radiation is getting strapped down to a table and being targeted with a giant laser-beam shooting radiation at my face and neck (you know, the kind of radiation that can give you skin cancer).

The chemo is the worst 3 or 4 days after treatment. It's like the worst flu... tired, nausea, achy, and very tired. So far the anti-nausea prescriptions have worked pretty good... only because I haven't hurled yet. Also, the chemo makes you lose all your taste buds temporarily during treatment. However, it's worse than just not having taste buds. Everything taste like metal or cardboard or worse. Whatever the taste is it makes you want to throw it back up, so eating has become work.

The radiation is harmless during treatment... can't feel a thing. It builds up though. It's now been four weeks and the inside of my mouth and throat is completely blistered. The skin is dark brown or white depending on whether it's falling off or still hanging on. This makes it uncomfortable to swallow so my entire diet is now liquid. I make shakes out of protein powder and milk... the colder the better. These are high protein, high calorie shakes designed to keep my weight up. About 10 or 12 oz drinks with 300-400 calories in each. Makes it easier to drink it down fast because the taste is so awful.

The radiation also kills my saliva glands. My saliva is almost completely gone now. Saliva is responsible for washing off the teeth to keep plaque from building up. Since I have none, I have to brush and rinse my mouth about every hour to keep my teeth from rotting out. Randomly I'll have days with either complete cotton mouth or my saliva is so thick it's like a glue. It's very hard to swallow or spit out. Usually when I do have to spit it out, it's so thick that it creates a gag-reflex and makes me almost throw-up. I've had to learn to sleep with my mouth shut to limit my having to swallow. The 2 or 3 times during the night when I do need to swallow, that gag-reflex is so bad I usually have to get out of bed to clear my throat.

Between the radiation and the chemo my hair is starting to fall out. The radiation eliminates hair wherever it treats permanently. The chemo eliminates hair temporarily all over my head. I will have permanent hair loss along the lower 1 or 2 inches of my neck. The radiation burns like a sun-burn but worse. It doesn't just burn the outside skin but burns all the way through. Even my neck and shoulders are blistered and peeling. My gums are blistered and peeling.

Besides all the unpleasantness's, I'm tired all the time. Between pain prescriptions, anti-nausea medication, chemo and radiation I'm tired and exhausted most of the time now. I sleep most of the day only up to have a protein shake, clear my throat or rinse my mouth of yeast and blistered skin.
I never did sleep very well during the night anyway, but now it's worse. To even sleep soundly for a few hours at a time I help from the doctor. It's these quiet times just before I drift off to sleep that I talk to God... that I really get a chance to thank God for making it through. I thank God every night for every little thing in my life that I didn't give much thought to before. I thank God for providing for my family when I can't. I thank God for my wife, who quietly takes care of everything so I don't have to worry. I thank God for my kids who still write me home-made cards telling me they love me "sssooooooooo much". I thank God for all the friends and relatives who take time to show love to me.
It's at night that I remember Psalm 4:8 "I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, oh Lord, make me dwell in safety".

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blogging Championships

In an effort to out-do Bev's weak blogging attempts, I have decided to blog about things that I normally wouldn't.

For instance, I don't normally like to brag but I did invite Bev's kids over to swim in our pool for the day. Boy did they enjoy that. Well, I'm guessing they enjoyed it by the pictures I took shown here, cause I really didn't watch them that much.

And, we invited Wade over for some birthday cake for my early birthday party which is normally celebrated in October. Wow, did Wade enjoy that! It was like it was his own birthday party... it really brings out the kid in you. I didn't mind so much that it wasn't all about me as Wade needs the attention and I'm pretty compassionate that way. If you look real close I'm getting a little frustrated with Wade going on and on about how it's his birthday.

This next shot is of some kids I picked up from the Big Brother program and took them 4-wheeling for the day. To see the look in their eyes when you tell them they don't have to pay for gas is priceless. Wow... what a day. Then I took them all out lunch. Then after that I took them to the Museum of History and Natural Art. Then we went and fed the ducks in the park. We ended up saving one duck that had been attacked by a dog and brought it to the U.S. Duck Sanctuary and Adopt-a-Duck Foundation of America and helped find a loving owner for this duck. What a learning experience for these unfortunate kids.

You know, you just can't buy memories like that.

Go to to compare blogging.

Okay, so I hacked Bev's pictures off her site and made up some stuff... okay, I stretched the truth a bit. Fine, I flat out lied - WHATEVER! Except the Adopt-a-Duck Foundation, that was true... ish.

Be sure to vote at the top right of this page.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Vanilla and Peanut Butter

3-day weekend coming. And yes, that means I get a break from the radiation too. Things have been looking up for me. I have been feeling alot better since they prescribed some better pain management things. You know, things. Of course that also means I'm useless around the house... no lifting, not straining, just laying around. The bad news of course is that I'm 100% liquid diet now. But, God is good... the only thing I can taste is vanilla and peanut butter. So that just means vanilla shakes and peanut butter shakes.

The next chemo day is the 14th, so let's pray that it doesn't kill my vanilla and peanut butter taste buds.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Okay, it's starting to hurt folks. This is really testing my pain threshold. As some of you already know, last weekend wasn't so nice to me as far as feeling good goes. The radiation treatments are starting to catch up with me. Radiation is basically like a tanning bed times 100, but it doesn't just burn the surface... it burns all the way through. With daily radiation treatments that hawaiian tan on the inside of my mouth is starting to get that golden bronze leather feel. Food either has NO taste at all, or that unexplainable chemo flavor. The diet has changed dramatically... almost a 100% liquid diet. Pain meds are an absolute must to make it through the day.

Aside from that?... life is great. I'm spending more time at home. I can nap whenever I want (of course the chemo kind of forces you to be tired alot). And, I can kiss my wife anytime of the day I please. NICE!