Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Okay, it's starting to hurt folks. This is really testing my pain threshold. As some of you already know, last weekend wasn't so nice to me as far as feeling good goes. The radiation treatments are starting to catch up with me. Radiation is basically like a tanning bed times 100, but it doesn't just burn the surface... it burns all the way through. With daily radiation treatments that hawaiian tan on the inside of my mouth is starting to get that golden bronze leather feel. Food either has NO taste at all, or that unexplainable chemo flavor. The diet has changed dramatically... almost a 100% liquid diet. Pain meds are an absolute must to make it through the day.

Aside from that?... life is great. I'm spending more time at home. I can nap whenever I want (of course the chemo kind of forces you to be tired alot). And, I can kiss my wife anytime of the day I please. NICE!


Anonymous said...

Paul, I'm glad I don't "feel your pain", cause you alone are The Man. I'm proud of your stamina and look forward to seeing you with that macho leather look! When this journey gets tough and each day is a challenge; know that you do not take this journey alone. Would that we could share it, or take it over for you. Thank you for sharing your travel with us...know that our hearts and prayers are getting a work out in your behalf. All of our friends know about you and include you in their prayers too, cause you are top of our list. Keep blogging .. it looks good on you. Loving you, Shauna & Yosef

Jodi VanRhee said...


It's hard to know that you're in pain. We love you so much and are so looking forward to that time in the near future when this trial is "in the past".

We're praying for you.
