Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's All Downhill From Here

Today was my last day of treatments... no more, none, zilch, nada. Wow! Isn't hindsight great? Looking back is always better than looking forward when you're in the middle of a crisis. When you're looking ahead it seems it'll never end, but when you look back you think, "hmm, that wasn't that bad."

That leads me to thinking, I don't know how anyone can get through hard times without knowing Christ... without knowing who God is... without knowing that your salvation is secure, that your justified through Christ. The Bible isn't lying when it says "fortunate is the man who's sins do not count against him", and that "ALL sins are covered by the blood of Christ"... ALL sins. Not some, not most, but ALL. Isaiah 43 says "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; YOU ARE MINE."

I am sad for those who go throughout their lives wondering from day to day if they'll make it to heaven... if they're saved... redeemed, rescued from their sins. Day to day they wonder if they've done enough. God says you cannot earn your way to heaven, that your good deeds are like filthy rags. He doesn't want your sacrifices, He wants you... He wants your heart... He wants you to accept the free gift of salvation. The cost of salvation is confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart.

This is what gets me through tough times. Knowing that whatever happens, I'm saved from my sins. My salvation is secure. I am justified through Christ Jesus. Knowing that with all my mistakes, all my blunderings, all my sins, I don't have to work off my debt. I am saved! Jesus is my comforter. Who's yours?


Gary said...

Congratulations Paul!!!

Anonymous said...

It's a Halleluiar Day!!! God is always good and loves to see His children happy. We celebrate with you Paul and with your family. Hope you liked the photo of the dog and the light tunnel I sent previously. Can't imagine how you feel, but can hear how God has pulled you through and we thank Him for time, strength and especially His unfailing LOVE! We love you. Shauna & Yosef

Bev Robison said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Just so you know, MOm woke me up yesterday morning to remind me to ring a bell in your honor. I don't own any bells here at home, so I set the ringer on my phone to "bell tone" and let it go!!!

Carla said...

Way to go Paul! I am so very happy to celebrate with you! Coasting is the reward for the uphill hard work! Enjoy relaxing and getting back your game.
Love, Carla

Jodi VanRhee said...

Well spoken, Paulie!

Love you guys.....