Friday, January 18, 2008

Confessions of an Addict

Hi. My name is Paul, and I'm a pianoholic. It all started when I was in elementary school. You never think it'll happen to you. I mean, you hear of other people who have that problem, and you think "That'll never be me". Your friends are all doing it, and they're razzing you telling you that "It's not a big deal. It's not gonna kill you just to hang out...what, are you better than us?"


"Okay then, come on." So before you know it your'e listening to it and you start justifying it to yourself. I mean, it's not like I'm playing the piano, I'm just listening. What's the harm in that?

Then your best friend's parents are out of town and he invites you over to party. You get there and everyone's playing the piano. Even people you thought would never go near a piano are there. People you thought were cool, they're pounding the keys just like everyone else. So, you think to yourself "Well I can just stay over on this side of the room and just listen. I don't have to go over there and do anything". But before you know it, you're over leaning on the piano and it seems like everyone is so outgoing, and friendly. Friends that were usually shy, and not very social were playing the piano like it was nobody's business. So you play a note. It feels good. So you play another.

Then the next day at school you hear the piano everywhere. You hear other people playing and they seem so happy and with it. You start dreaming about the next time you'll be around a piano just to play one note. You find yourself sneaking into the band room to get a few notes in and then you're out of there before anyone knows. And this is how it starts.

A few months go by and you feel like just a few notes a day is'nt enough anymore. You're wanting to lay down a whole chord. And then that's not enough, and you're now playing several chords in a row. You find yourself saying to your new friends, "Hey one note's not gonna kill ya". Now your whole life is consumed by playing the piano, and not just the same 'ol chords... now you're getting creative and figuring out what other chords might go good with the chords you already play.

This is the point of no return. You're not only playing the hard stuff, but now you're coming up with your own, recording it and selling it to others. You're not selling your stuff legitimately. You're independent. You're peddling your own compositions to your friends and neighbors... kids... work associates in the underground parking garage. You don't even know who you are anymore. You live from gig to gig, always anticipating the next big fix.

As an adult, it seems like the big excitement over the piano is gone. Now people bring up piano like it's a five-letter word. And where are all my high school buddies who used to play? It seems they all either quit, or are dead. And to think it all started with just one note.

I should have learned the guitar.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Hoodoo Blues is NOT, I repeat, is NOT playing February 17th. I made a mistake and am making a public retraction of my repeated statement that Hoodoo Blues in playing February 17. So, to make things very clear, Hoodoo Blues is NOT playing or gigging or jamming or gettin' down or grooving on February 17, 2008. Or 2009 for that matter.

I don't want to draw this out, or how do they say, "make a mountain out of a mole hill"? I just don't want any confusion about this. If you thought that Hoodoo Blues was grinding on February 17, then you are sorely mistaken. Probably not your fault though. I blame myself for that. I may have inferred, or let on, or conjectured that Hoodoo Blues was bringing down the house on February 17th. February 17th of this year, NOT last year. Last year February 17 was probably not even on a Saturday... that's just silly.

Anybody wanna ride bikes?

The third Saturday in February is NOT when the Hoodoo Blues are scheduled for a local show at a local bar in a local part of town locally. In fact, it's not the first or second Saturday either. But back to the topic at hand, Hoodoo Blues is NOT playing Saturday, February 17, 2008.

Hoodoo Blues IS playing February 23rd... that's a Saturday in 2008.

Just thought you ought to know.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Other Woman

Click the photo to view. Then choose [Slideshow] in upper right corner, then [Reverse Order] in bottom right corner to see it in chronological order. It's amazing how fast it seems the build has gone when watching the slideshow. Today marks the 200th hour spent. I'm anticipating about 150 hours to go.
Photobucket Album
Motor in_9

Falling Off The Wagon?

What are 3 non-drinkers doing at a local bar? Answer: Having ice water, Dr Pepper™ and checkin' out the Hoodoo Blues band. Yeah, I was a bit shocked too to see my parents at a bar. You've heard of "a fish out of water"? Well this was even worse... they didn't know to bring there I.D. and couldn't get in on their first attempt. But, apparently they wanted to see the band that night really bad, so they drove back home to retrieve their proof of age and back to the hoppin' bar. Yup... to see me perform with my band, Hoodoo Blues.

It's all about good times spent with the ones you love... and of course, spreading the good news of Jesus. You should see the looks on the faces of some of the bar patrons when they're just yappin' about whatever and I interupt and say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's great'n all, but do you know Jesus?"

Here is yet some more good times. Today we all went to Maggie Moo's for ice cream. There's nothing like a nice cold winter day and some ice cream to cool things off.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Beauty And The Beast

Just had to show off my weekend project. Beauty is the '65 Cobra and the Beast is the 400 horse power we stuffed in it. With the help of Sean Stephens and brother Kirk we had the motor prep'd and installed in no time at all.

Aint she a beauty? Also got the headers and sidepipes on, and started the wiring harness. I'm estimating about 100 more hours to completion.

Oh, by the way - the gig was good! Tiffany stopped by to google - she's my favorite fan! I'll sign her shirt any day!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Don't Hoodoo The Hoodoo Man

This ain't no church choir. Saturday the 12th of January... yes, this Saturday, Hoodoo Blues Band is performing at Scorez Sports Bar in Lehi from 7:30pm to midnight. Good clean music, but don't bring your kids.


  • Sam Galbraith - Lead Guitar, Vocals
  • Roger Cook - Bass Guitar, Vocals
  • Rick Anderson - Harmonica, Vocals
  • Paul Berg (that's me) - Keyboard
  • Marc Finley - Drums

Scorez Sports Bar is located at 571 W State Rd/Hwy 89 in Lehi. First Lehi exit heading southbound on the I-15. Pass the Chevron on the right and it's one block further south on the right-hand side. FREE admission. As long you're at least 18 (or is that 21, it's been too long) you're in... you're golden.

By the way...

We've found a midget that's been breeded down with extra small hands to do my dental work Friday. So, don't call for directions on Friday afternoon cause I may be a bit loopy.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Wheatgrass Sucks!

But WheatThins™ are awesome! At first the whole nostalgia of taking a shot of wheatgrass was kinda cool. You know, the newness of it. Getting healthy for 2008.

No... it bites! It's wrong! A week hasn't gone by and I'm already trying to get this milkweed to taste better.

By the way, couldn't get any juice out of the WheatThin™... just clogged up the juicer. I'll bet I could squeeze some juice out of a hotdog.

"Hey honey, do we have any hotdogs?"

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hangin' With My Homeys

Check it. I took a ride to see my E.N.T about my neck bling. Then he like said, "What the dilly yo?" so I said, "I'm coo". So he said "What's da sitch on the bling?" I said, "My junk?" So he said, "Word up." So I said, "Straight!"

Then he said, "Your bling is kick'n" so I said "that's off the hook!" Then he said, "no, tight". So I said, "Let's bust it" so he said "Whatchu waitin' for yo?"

So his cuz ganked my bling. Ditant feel a thang.

My boo wit da ba-donka-donk said, "You fly." Even my crew, my haps, my homeys, my peeps and my jigga said, "That's dope, yo!" So, if you don't thank it's da bomb, than you bo janglin.

Payce dawg.

psst.. Click da pic to see my shiny junk up close

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Recovery or Vacation?

Dude! This is the best time-off ever. No bed-time, no rules, no shower, don't have to brush my teeth, don't have to change my clothes... I can even leave the toilet lid up if I want. This rocks!

But, don't think that just because there's no rules that I'm just sitting around and not taking my rehabilitation seriously. I have been very resposible with my recovery.

I've been resting... yesterday I was only awake for two hours. I'm adapting to a new, healthier diet... I've had my mom and Tiffany on wheatgrass to test it's acclaimed health effects.
Due to the severe excavation near my jaw, the doctor said I need to work on new motor skills...

so, I tevo'ed Monster Garage™. I've been working on cognative function... I got a Sudoku™ book. The doctor even said that exercise would become more important so I've been leaving the dog out longer. I've already seen a remarkable difference. For instance, I've wheened myself off the hard stuff and am only taking Tylenol™ now. I'm not sleeping as much throughout the day... instead I just sleep between movies. I'm eating more, I'm feeling better, and I drove today. I even saw my friend Jason Hewlett today at the Piano Gallery. We were both there helping to raise money for orphaned mole rats... it's very sad. Click on my MoleRat Blog for more info.

Sorry, gotta go.. this Sudoku thing really is addicting.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Just Say "No"

Have you ever celebrated the New Year, but not remembered doing it? Hey, me too! What an exciting Christmas holiday it's been for me. Let's see, I visited new places. I met new people. I tried new things. I took time off work just for me. I invited friends and family over. And, I've been spending the holidays just laying around the house doing nothing. Perhaps my new narcotics helped in my leisurely laying around.

I have learned something from my holiday laziness. I have learned that cancer is not just another astrological sign, and that my new year will be filled with yet another diet. My days of eating, drinking and being merry are over. Okay, maybe not the being merry part.
Isn't it interesting that with new scientific evidence what we thought was healthy yesterday may not be healthy today? For instance, The Wall Street Journal reports that even as simple a food as the chili cheese dog contains certain poly-unsaturated and saturated fats that have been linked to obesity. Yeah! And check this out, even fried foods are at risk because we're heating them up in warm grease... something about trans-fatty acids and carcenagens breaking down the immune system. I know, it's crazy. My personal healthy diet of yesterday may be completely obsolete today.

Let's take one of my favorites and look at it closely. The corn dog and a Fresca™ combo. The corn dog is a simple health staple... basically a hotdog in corn bread. It has been long touted to eat a variey of foods. If we applied this simple truth just to meat, the hotdog would be the ultimate food! It contains a variety of meats all compressed into a very easy to eat cylindrical package. And, as fate would have it, the "corn dog and a Fresca™" combo has been nudged off the top 20 list by wheatgrass... of all things.
So here it is bloggers. My new year resolution. Yes, resolution, just one so far. Improve my health intake by 50%. Layman's terms... have only half a corn dog and Fresca™.