Monday, November 10, 2008

Paul's Piano

Free piano tunings this week only Nov 9-15, 2008. I was busy all weekend tuning pianos and this week is filling up fast. Yes, that one key is orange. I know where A flat is, I just keep forgetting where G sharp is. Funny thing.

I am willing to tune your piano for free (if you live reasonably close to me). I just want all your friends with pianos to know that I tuned your piano and you're happy. That's the catch. It's like a giant pyramid... you give me 2 friends, who gives me 2 friend, who gives me 2 friends. Pretty simple arithmatic.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Double Vision!

My mom's twin sister came out for a visit in the late summer. It was great seeing her again as she lives in Tennessee. It's crazy watching them together. They even dress alike when they're together.. yes, even at their age. Crazy!

Here is a photo of me with each of them. Can you tell who is who? Which one is Betty, my mom? And, which one is Letty, her twin sister?