Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Goin' for a Test Drive

Now here is an unlikely scene. Typically you don't see current and ex husbands getting along. Not the case with Matt and I. Matt came to MY parents house to help celebrate his daughter's 18th birthday... very cool. Of course, during the event we couldn't not go for a ride in the Cobra Project. I mean, it hasn't been road tested for a whole week. Matt gladly volunteered to shotgun the test.

This photo was taken before the test drive. Photos post-test drive usually don't work as well, as the occupants smiles are too big to fit in the picture and their eyelids are precariously stuck to their foreheads.

You'll have to ask Matt how the ride went. Let's just say that 400 horse power is scary at 3" off the ground.


Tiffany Berg Coughran said...

Yeh, it's kind of weird how the love of a car can bond men! Just kidding - you two have a great friendship and it is a blessing to the kids to have a united force FOR them : )

Way to go DADS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad you took the photos before the test ride. How you work with Matt says a lot about you.
And, of course, I’ve seen the look on peoples faces upon the return from the ride. Pretty funny! It’s like watching the expression on kids faces after they get off the roller coaster ride for the first time….exhilarating joy and hope for a second ride. Talk about loving life!!! That really encapsulates the excitement of pleasure. Love the Cobra shots and the joy that vehicle brings to others and most of all you, Jason and your Dad. Fantastic accomplishment and a great job. Thanks for sharing your progress on the Cobra and giving us a glance into your life and loves. You are cool. Love Ya’ Shauna