Thursday, July 3, 2008

Vanilla and Peanut Butter

3-day weekend coming. And yes, that means I get a break from the radiation too. Things have been looking up for me. I have been feeling alot better since they prescribed some better pain management things. You know, things. Of course that also means I'm useless around the house... no lifting, not straining, just laying around. The bad news of course is that I'm 100% liquid diet now. But, God is good... the only thing I can taste is vanilla and peanut butter. So that just means vanilla shakes and peanut butter shakes.

The next chemo day is the 14th, so let's pray that it doesn't kill my vanilla and peanut butter taste buds.


Anonymous said...

We are so happy for you being able to take a break in your treatment. The fact that the medical community has come up with successful pain management is not just a miracle… it is a life enhancer!!! So what if you can’t do what you used to do… that would change sooner or later in your lifetime anyway. Some days it’s just the right thing to do – learn how to know you are everything, whether you are doing something or not! We love that you ARE! Have a great rest.
Love ya’
Shauna & Yosef

Tiffany Berg Coughran said...

I'm glad you're able to taste the super duper peanut buttery all fat inclusive shakes I've been whipping up!!!

Jodi VanRhee said...


Now, are you drinking just vanilla shakes and peanut butter shakes, or are you mixing vanilla WITH peanut butter for some variety (bet you never thought of THAT!)??? Maybe your next treatment will give you some additional taste buds.

I'm so happy to learn that you're doing better. Enjoy your time of laying around! Get caught up on all the movies you've never even cared to see, but since you have nothing else to do, you might as well watch anyway! (Hey, it beats watching Oprah!)

Love you!

Gary said...
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Gary said...

You can only taste Vanilla and Peanut Butter??!! Hmmm...It sounds like now would be a good time to blend up some of those nasty tasting, "healthy" shakes, since you won't be able to taste them anyway!! :-)

Keep the faith, brother, and keep enduring! There is light at the end of this tunnel, and it's gonna be sweet when all this is behind you and your family! There's lots-o-livin ahead!!

Best wishes!

Angie K. Millgate said...


I am appreciating your continually positive outlook. I am imagining that you feel pretty crappy and icky and, yet, you find something positive to direct your focus toward. Thank you for being an inspiration. It has truly helped me to commit to LIVING my life!

Unknown said...

I remember during chemo (or keno as you called it) there were a lot of things I could not taste and there were things that just tasted like fresh dog poo-poo (not that I have ever tasted it). I remember one of the worst was Parmesan cheese. Paul, you will get through this it is just crappy right now but it will get better. Keep praying. I am also praying for you. My treatments would have been better if I had God in my life at that time in my life so you have a strong advantage over this, the big guy. He will not dish out more than we can handle. I guess on the bright side there is nothing wrong with a vanilla-butter shake to brighten the spirits. I love you Paul (as a friend of course, well...there was that time.. never mind :) )
