Thursday, January 3, 2008

2007 Photologue


Gary said...

Y'all are beautiful...Inside and out!...well ok...Paul, you're beautiful on the inside! :-)

Man....that bread and those cinnamon rolls look good!!

pauL said...

Well then we need to have you over for some bread and cinnamon rolls then, don't we?

Tiffany Berg Coughran said...

Gary - thanks for the compliments! We can have you over for bread and cinnamon rolls if you're willing to take a shot of wheatgrass juice along with it! ; )

Paul needs a wheatgrass drinking buddy! Gotta keep that ph balance you know! ; )

Gary said...

Hmmm....Homemade bread and cinnamon rolls with shots of wheatgrass juice...I just don't know how my fat old body would react to that healthy stuff! (I mean the wheatgrass, unless the cinnamon rolls are whole-grain!). Either sounds like a party to me! Woohoo!! :-)

Unknown said...

ya the the one of hannah is the best. i dont think any one in da world could get a pix like that. :D