Thursday, January 17, 2008


Hoodoo Blues is NOT, I repeat, is NOT playing February 17th. I made a mistake and am making a public retraction of my repeated statement that Hoodoo Blues in playing February 17. So, to make things very clear, Hoodoo Blues is NOT playing or gigging or jamming or gettin' down or grooving on February 17, 2008. Or 2009 for that matter.

I don't want to draw this out, or how do they say, "make a mountain out of a mole hill"? I just don't want any confusion about this. If you thought that Hoodoo Blues was grinding on February 17, then you are sorely mistaken. Probably not your fault though. I blame myself for that. I may have inferred, or let on, or conjectured that Hoodoo Blues was bringing down the house on February 17th. February 17th of this year, NOT last year. Last year February 17 was probably not even on a Saturday... that's just silly.

Anybody wanna ride bikes?

The third Saturday in February is NOT when the Hoodoo Blues are scheduled for a local show at a local bar in a local part of town locally. In fact, it's not the first or second Saturday either. But back to the topic at hand, Hoodoo Blues is NOT playing Saturday, February 17, 2008.

Hoodoo Blues IS playing February 23rd... that's a Saturday in 2008.

Just thought you ought to know.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to be crystal clear on that, huh Dad?

Gary said...

Wait.....are you ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% sure about this?! Cuz I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that there was a huge show planned with a lot of hi-profile famous celebrity-types expected to show up. Is that not the case?! Dang! I was looking forward to getting some autographs and celebrity pictures and stuff to sell on eBay!

Oh well...I guess I'll have to come hang out on the 23rd with the REALLY cool crowd and simply listen to some good music without all the paparazzi!
